Life Hack: For a Big Raise Make Joke Then Ask For Insane Amount of Money
Holy Moses, does this really work? Has anyone ever tried it?
Apparently one of the best ways to ask for a big raise and GET ONE is to start off with a joke and ask for an INSANE amount of money, like a million bucks.
I found this in New York Magazine. The technique is called "anchoring" where you start with a higher number than you actually expect to get. Studies have found it even works if you go way over-the-top with it, because throwing out ANY high number makes your boss less likely to low-ball you.
Plus it's a good ice-breaker, so it also works in theory, if you're negotiating your salary in a job interview. A 2011 study had a bunch of people interview for the same job that paid just over $30,000. When people joked that they wanted a HUNDRED THOUSAND the average offer they got was $35,585.
When they didn't go over-the-top, the average offer they got was about $3,000 less, so almost a 10 percent difference. And that's substantial.
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