Want to Make a Stephen King Film? It’ll Cost $1
Stephen King has had so many movies adapted from his books, he may as well be an honorary screenwriter. From Carrie, The Shining, Stand By Me, The Shawshank Redemption, Children of the Corn, Pet Semetary, The Running Man, to the highest-grossing R-rated movie & highest-grossing horror movie of all time, IT; Stephen King has left a mark on Hollywood.
But did you know about King's list of "Dollar Babies?" This is a list of short stories that King will sell to film students and aspiring film-makers for $1. The list can change frequently because the stipulation is that the short story cannot be under contract for a major film production.
"Dollar Baby" encompasses the films themselves and the people that make them. One Dollar Baby went on to direct The Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, & The Mist.
Dollar Babies are not to be commercially produced, and the $1 price tag does not give the film-maker the rights, just King's permission.
If you're a film student wanting to try your hand at one of King's Dollar Babies, the contract information can be found here.