Looking for Owners: Puppy Buddies Found Near Cheney Rodeo Grounds
These two sweet dogs were found Sunday evening by the Washington State Patrol. Do they look familiar to you?
Washington State Patrol Located 2 Dogs, Looking for Cheney Area Owner
Look closely at the photos of the two puppies/dogs that were found last Sunday by the Washington State Patrol, especially if you are from the Cheney area. Both dogs were found by Washington State Patrol Troopers wandering off SR-504 near the Cheney rodeo grounds just after 8 pm. The dogs were not known to the Troopers, one a brown and black German Shepard and the other a black lab. They were obviously good buddies paling around and were also nice to the Washington State Patrol Trooper who led them to his patrol vehicle and transferred them to the SCRAPS animal shelter.
The SCRAPS Animal Sherlter: Spokane, Washington
The Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service, also known as (SCRAPS), is responsible for Animal Control & Enforcement and Public & Animal Safety. According to their website, they comply with Spokane County Code Title 5, Title 16 RCW, WAC 246-203-121, and the ASV and NACA Guidelines, as well as all relevant regional ordinances. If you know who these two dogs belong to, contact the SCRAPS animal shelter on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday from noon to 7 p.m. or on Saturday from 11 am to 5:30 pm at 6815 E Trent, Spokane Valley, WA 99212. Phone:509-477-2532 - Emergency Phone:509-477-2533 - or Fax:509-477-4745. Hopefully, someone recognizes these two and they find their way back home. They both look like good boys whose families are missing them more than anything.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker
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