Washington State: The Only Place Shooting This Thing Is Illegal
Did you know that Washington State is the one single place in the entire United States where you can not shoot or hunt this very famous thing!
What is this thing, where does it live, and why is Washington State the only place where it is illegal to kill it?
The one "thing" that you can not hunt or harass in Washington State is Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch. Laws have been passed in Skamania & Whatcom Counties that protect Bigfoot from being hunted but have been changed a few times through the years. This is how the law reads now after an update in 1992 according to the original ordinance.
" INTRODUCTION DATE: 6 9 92 RESOLUTION NO. 92 -043 DECLARING WHATCOM COUNTY, A SASQUATCH PROTECTION AND REFUGE AREA WHEREAS, legend, purported recent findings and spoor suggest that Bigfoot may exist; and WHEREAS, if such a creature exists, it is inadequately protected and in danger of death or injury; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Whatcom County Council that, Whatcom County is hereby declared a Sasquatch protection and refuge area, and all citizens are asked to recognize said status. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall be effective immediately. APPROVED this 9th day of June, 1991. WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL ATTEST: WHATCOM COUNTY, WASHINGTON a74 "' 64(4 A 1 Ramona Reeves, Council Clerk Daniel M. Warner, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Civil Deputy Pros. Atty."
Did the Board of Commissioners of Skamania County really believe that there are live Bigfoot living in their woods? Most people say the law was put forward not because of protecting Bigfoot, but to stop hunters with crazy powerful guns trouncing through the forest.
According to thisoldcity.com, "Under Ordinance 1984-2, the Board recognized that there was some evidence that Bigfoot was hiding in their area, which lead to an influx of both scientific investigators and hunters. To protect both tourists and locals – and at the same time write a law in such a way that it didn’t deny people their Second Amendment – the Board amended the law so that less people would enter their county carrying firearms. The law states that Skamania County was a Sasquatch refuge, since the Bigfoot was an endangered species, so people were not allowed to hunt for him there. People who try may be punished with a gross misdemeanor or a misdemeanor and may be fined with a year in the county jail for up to one year or a fine of up to $1,000."
The board accomplished two different things with the ordinance. First, they increase tourism to the area just by sparking interest with the possibility of Bigfoot in their woods. Second, it keeps hunters with guns out of the woods making it safer for the residence and scientists that might be out there trying to find a Squatch.
The strange law just might actually be brilliant if you look at it that way. Good luck finding Bigfoot if your looking and tell him hi for me when you to.