I found three stories today that made me smile and I just have to share. Take a minute and enjoy. Studying for a test? Packing up to get home? Making dinner? Helping a customer? IT CAN WAIT! Take a minute for yourself:

A beloved corn maze in New Jersey was going to carve a tractor and pumpkins into their field when the company that designs the maze suggested a Derek Jeter Tribute instead. It looks pretty good!

This Swedish guy was golfing and somebody forgot to yell "FORE!"
I bet this one hurt. Don't forget to yell "fore,&qu... on Twitpic

Since whatever happens in New England is more important than the same exact thing happening anywhere else in America, the world (read New England) fell in love with a cute little league team from Rhode Island. When that team came in 2nd place, the coach gave a fantastic speech. With all the horror stories about crazy little league coaches and parents, this kind of pep talk verges on heroic. Definitely gave me goose bumps:

So to sum it all up, here's the day's news in one easy video:

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