6 WSDOT Workers Sent to Hospital After DUI Crashed into I-5 Crew
Crews trying to fix potholes this last weekend ended up in the hospital after an alleged DUI driver slammed into them.

Washington State Department of Transportation Workers Sent to the Hospital
Last weekend, Washington State Department of Transportation crews were trying to fix a pothole problem on I-5. WSDOT had been getting numerous complaints about the growing potholes in the area and attempted to fill and fix them last weekend. The crews were filling potholes around 9:40 pm when an alleged drunk driver slammed into a group of WSDOT trucks on the side of the road. The gold sedan crashed into the back of the crew's truck and seriously injured multiple WSDOT workers who were nearby.
6 WSDOT Workers Sent to Hospital After DUI Crash
The accident sent 6 members of the WSDOT crew to the hospital, but luckily everyone survived. The release of the crash information from Washington State DOT also comes with a message from the families and friends of those involved. The message wants people to remember that the crews are made of "People with family, friends, co-workers who worry about them & want them to be safe. They take precautions, they make a plan, they set up safe work zones, and then one person makes a terrible decision that changes lives." Washington State DOT goes on saying that if you "drink & drive, speed, check text messages" there are real consequences to both yourself and to the people working out on Washington State roads. This time lives were not lost but next time we might not be so lucky. If you still feel the urge to drink and drive or reach for your phone to read a text, think about someone in your own family losing their life as a consequence and maybe you will think twice.
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