10 Awesome Videos Of Things Blowing Up
We all love to watch things blow up. Why is this? Because, as humans, we are destructive in nature. Now that everyone has a camera phone, and you can get on the internet everywhere, it makes it super easy to not only watch, but also capture video of these things exploding. So kick back with some popcorn, put on the protective goggles, and get ready to watch stuff go boom.
10. Chemical Plant Destroyed
A chemical plant in Nevada goes up in flames. There is a rocket fuel storage area inside. It explodes and is gone in a flash.
9. Explosion On The Sun
Thanks to NASA for picking up this one. This explosion is a bit terrifying though. If Earth was a little bit closer to the sun, we may not enjoy this particular explosion so much.
8. Japanese Volcano Explosion
This is footage of Japanese volcano Mt. Sakurajima. It’s amazing how beautiful and destructive nature can be at the same time.
7. Extreme Makeover: Explosion Edition
Most of the time, we can’t stand ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.’ The over-dramtic host + the staged emotion = barf. However, we do enjoy this particular part of this episode because it is just an absolutely fantastic home explosion.
6. Downtown Detroit Explodes
The video infers that this clip is from the filming of the new ‘Red Dawn’ movie, but we aren’t quite sure. None the less, this is a great explosion that took place in Detroit. We are glad someone captured it all with their camera.
5. Speed Channel Blows Up A Car
Have you ever wondered how they blow up cars in the movies? Well, wonder no more because the guys on Speed’s ‘Stuntbusters’ show us exactly how it’s done. In fact, they show us several ways to do it.
4. Oil Tanker Explodes
This gem is from the Discovery Channel show ‘Destroyed In Seconds.’ This is an oil tanker that has developed a fire. Not the best thing. Can you guess what happens when fire meets the oil?
3. Train Explosion
A train derails, with seven of its eight cars carrying some sort of oil. Bad enough that the train is on fire, but at about the 1:00-minute mark, a huge explosion happens.
2. German Plane Crash And Explosion
A double whammy! Planes crash into each other above an airshow, sending one plane to the ground and resulting in a huge explosion.
1. Whale Explosion
This is one of those classic videos that has been around almost as long as the internet. A whale is beached and dead. So what is the best way to get rid of it? Blow it up, of course. It doesn’t go exactly as planned though, and ends up sending whale parts into the sky. What goes up, must come down.