26 of 30 Benton-Franklin COVID Deaths Persons Over 60.
A they have been doing, the Benton Franklin Health District (BFHD) and other sources will be releases another update Monday afternoon, but according to Washington state sources over the weekend, our B-F death toll now at 30.
However, as many areas are finding, and stats continue to support this, the bulk of the 'damage' done by COVID-19 continues to be in elderly persons, AND especially those in general with significant compromised immune systems or health issues that make them for more prone to disease.
Of the 30 deaths in our region (Benton Franklin counties) 26 are over the age of 60. Of those, the breakdown is as follows:
- 5 in their 60's
- 5 in their 70's
- 8 in their 80's
- 8 in their 90's
While many of them were in assisted care/nursing home facilities, it is not known specifically now many of the 26 had confirmed pre-existing health issues. For more data from the state, click on the button below.