Are You Following Mid-Columbia Farm-to-Table on Facebook?
Mid Columbia Farm-to-Table on Facebook is a great way to find out where to get that fresh-picked asparagus (purple and green), whole or half cut & wrapped beef, live chickens for meat or egg-laying, and a variety of plants and veggies. Picking your own blueberries is fun and there's info on here as to when the picking begins and where to go. Want a freezer lamb? I'm not really into lamb meat, there's a post on there that says $100 will hold your lamb until May. Thanks to the Mid Columbia Farm-to-Table Facebook Page I have been educated in the fact that there is a 'Burbank Chicken Lady' LOL. Need someone to shear your sheep? Recommendations are on there!
I think I need to man up and start eating farm-fresh eggs. The bright yellow yokes kind of freak me out.
You can post your goods for sale or you can ask the group for something you're looking for and you're sure to get a quick and accurate answer. Jamie inquired about some wiener pigs. Is that a breed or kind of pig? I don't rightly know, but she says they won't be pets, they're for 'eats down the road'.
Eating eggs from ducks? Yep, they're listed, too. Lynn posted some rather interesting-looking 'Lion Mane Mushrooms' from Columbia Basin Shroomery. Again, this page has educated me in the fact that there's something called a shroomery and there's one right here where we live. I guess if you specialize in growing mushrooms, what the heck else would it be called?!
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