Bombing Range and Paradise a Flashing Red Four-Way Stop For Now
The traffic signals at Bombing Range and Paradise have been set to flashing red. Which means this intersection is now considered a 4-way stop.
Stop signs have also been placed on each corner to help remind drivers to stop at the intersection. The cause for the delay is due to a faulty part in the electrical box which controls the lights. It may take up until Wednesday until the lights are fully operational.
When you come to an intersection that is flashing red, or is marked with a 4-way stop sign, basically there are four things to keep in mind, just like normal traffic flow laws:
1) First come, first served.
Hey man, you were there first. The first car to arrive at the intersection receives the right of way. It doesn’t matter where the vehicle is located or what direction it is traveling, this rule will always apply when someone has clearly arrived at the stop sign first. However, still be wary of aggressive or distracted drivers that may dismiss this rule.
2) Yield to right.
When two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop at the same time, and are located side-by-side, the vehicle furthest to the right has the right of way. If three vehicles arrive at the same time, the car furthest left should continue to yield until both of the other cars to the right of them have passed.
3) Straight over turning.
When arriving to an intersection head-to-head with another vehicle, it is important to use signals. When two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop at the same time, and they are located head-to-head and one of the vehicles intends to turn and the other intends to go straight, the vehicle going straight has right of way. Keep in mind that if both vehicles are going straight or turning in the same direction, they can both proceed at the same time as they will not cross each other’s path.
4. Right over left.
When two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop at the same time, and they are located head-to-head and one of the vehicles intends to turn right and the other intends to turn left, the rig turning right has right of way. Move forward slowly before entering the intersection to indicate to other drivers you are making the turn. The driver turning left should wait until the other car has fully passed.
Thank you for patience and drive safely.
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