Camping & Hiking at Palouse Falls? Forget About It. Closed to Public.
There will no longer be public access to the trails leading to the cliffs and the pool at Palouse Falls. The Washington State Parks Commission had a meeting that I wasn't invited to and voted unanimously to approve this in order to save the universe.
Palouse Falls was naturally created over 13,000 years ago, and they figure they're going to protect the natural resources there now by keeping you off the trails along the cliffs or hiking down to the pool.
You can still take a nice drive to the falls and grab a photo with the fam, but I think that's about it at this point.
They did talk about maybe constructing a visitor center there because a giant building in the middle of all that beauty is apparently not as bad as your camper or tent. I've said it before and I'll say it again, nothing good ever came out of a meeting.
Washington State Parks Palouse Falls Info
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