Can You Help the Kennewick Police Catch This Smashing Young Man?
Why must you be such an angry young man?
I'm not sure even Novus can help you out on this one.
While there is never any justification for this behavior, I am just a touch curious as to what were the circumstances that led him to grabbing a bat, mounting the vehicle, and then taking a mighty swing.
KPD Facebook 9-15-19-
Today (9/15/19) KPD officers were dispatched to the 900 block of N Cleveland St in Kennewick to take a report of significant damage to a vehicle. Video was obtained of the male who is alleged to have committed the damage.
KPD Facebook 9-15-19
They need your help to identify the male in the photographs. Anyone with information related to this case can call the non-emergency dispatch number at 509-628-0333 and reference KPD case #19-36901.
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