While K-8 students will be adjusting to full week, full day education sometime later in April, Walla Walla High School students will be having to stay in hybrid the rest of this school year.

According to information released by the Walla Walla School District, a date of late April has been set for students to move back to full time full day activities.

According to the District:

"Walla Walla Public Schools is targeting a late April transition to the Blue Stage of its Safely Reopening Schools plan which includes resuming full-time, in-person learning for elementary and middle school students currently being served in the AM/PM hybrid model."

However, after what the District said was an audit of the 1967-era classrooms at Walla Walla High school, based upon the new 3 foot distance guidelines, they can only accomodate 25 students. Based upon District numbers, they would need at least room for 30.

To resume full time all day classes with the 25 student rooms, the District said there would have to be extensive movement of students by way of rescheduling, and the hiring of a number of temporary staff. The District says that is not feasible, given the amount of time left in the school year.

Superintendent Wade Smith said with the majority of the teachers being vaccinated by mid April, and the plans they have in place, they are fully confident they can accomplish the full time all day learning safely. He said parents and students will receive a number of informational emails and other communications leading up to the time in April when K-8 will move to all day school.

For more information on Walla Walla's transition, click on the button below.


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