Could Washington Grocery Stores Really Be Empty in Weeks?
There is a shortage you have probably not heard about yet but could make grocery store shelves empty by the middle of November 2022 all over the United States.
Why Could Grocery Stores be Empty Within a Couple Weeks' Time?
There is a really bad diesel fuel shortage right now. It is so bad that they are running out of diesel on the east coast and are predicted to run out nationwide within weeks. If there is no diesel fuel, there are no semi-trucks moving goods and the store shelves could be empty. Us fuel supplier Mansfield Energy admits that "Some cities might run dry on diesel for a few days" but could recover soon after.
How Bad Could it Really Get?
Some reporters are predicting empty shelves in November or at the very least difficulty finding things you need. The US does not seem to have a good answer to solve the problem after OPEC announced a huge reduction in oil production. The oil reserves for the US are at the "lowest for the time of year since the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) started collecting weekly data in 1982" according to Reuters. They say supply will stay low until the economy slows down.
What does this mean for families over the holidays?
I know we are preparing like the pandemic hit and buying what we need for the entire month now, including for Thanksgiving. Hopefully empty store shelves do not happen, but there is a chance that it could so be prepared. Don't say I did not warn you!