Entire City of Yard Sales!
There is nothing I love more than a yard sale, except an ENTIRE city of yard sales! I used to get up early on a Saturday, rouse my girls, who were still very young and hit the streets looking for yard sales! Sometimes I would get the local paper and search for the sales, but mostly I would just drive up and down the main streets looking for the bright "yard sale" signs. I broke many laws trying to get turned around when I would see a sign late and I probably taught my girls a lot of bad driving habits, but I also taught them the first rule in yard sale hunting is HUSTLE! Hustle we did! Beating the other crazy yard sale moms actually gave me anxiety, I was always afraid I was going to miss out on the good goods!
If only Benton City had their community wide yard sale when I was a crazy yard sale lady maybe I wouldn't have spent so many Saturday mornings stressed and breaking so many laws!
Well, to all you yard sale lovers, here is the best Saturday of summer! .Saturday June 12 from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Benton City will be hosting their community wide yard sale and they will have it set up so you won't break any laws trying to find them. There will be a map available so you can easily find each sale.
If you live in Benton City and would like to host a sale you can pre-register to be added to their map. The cost of registering is just $10 and all money collected goes to upcoming community events. For full details and to get registered you can go to the Benton City Chamber of Commerce.