Football as Football – NFL Logos Redesigned as European Football Badges [PHOTOS]
The world's most popular sport is football or, what we Yanks like to call, soccer. A group of coworkers from Minnesota, who enjoy both the American and European versions of football, decided that there can never be enough alternate team logos and recreated every NFL team logo to look like they were actually a soccer team, or football club, badge.
Their artistic idea was dubbed 'Football as Football' and no matter which version of the sport you enjoy, I think you will like their creations so far!
The first set of badges were released a few weeks ago. Each NFL team received a redesigned look, represented in one of the European styles: German, English, Spanish or Italian. This week, the design team created one more badge for each team. Since I am a Bengals fan, Iceman is a Rams fan, and AJ (along with everyone else in Washington) is a Seahawks supporter, I decided to pull the two logos for each of our teams.
Seattle Seahawks
Cincinnati Bengals
St. Louis Rams