Houston Texan Andre Johnson Gave Back This Holiday – $19,521 Worth
Making it's way around the internet is a photograph of Andre Johnson of the Houston Texans holding some receipts. These receipts are not from a get together in Vegas over the weekend they are from Toys R Us.
Tuesday afternoon Andre Johnson from the Houston Texans made a stop by a Houston Toys R Us with 12 lucky children and treated them to a shopping spree they'll never forget. Johnson footed the $19,521 bill through his charity The Andre Johnson Foundation and teamed up with the local Child Protective Services to help out as well. Andre told the 12 kids to not only pick out gifts for themselves but also for their borthers and sisters.
In a year where everyone is working harder than before for the same pay or even less it's good to see that there's still those out there supporting those that are in need of help more than the rest of us.
"Everyday when I wake up, I ask myself, 'Who can I add value to today,' because it's not about me. It's all about helping someone else. And at this time of the year, there are many opportunities to help less fortunate children have a great Christmas," - Andre Johnson