How Well Do You Remember the Greatest Circus Trainer of All Times? [TRIVIA]
The Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus is coming to Toyota Center Oct. 3-5! We're giving away tickets to people who play our online circus trivia. The current circus has a fantastic animal trainer, but every time I see her I remember the time I saw the greatest circus animal trainer who ever lived: Gunther Gebel-Williams.
Gunther Williams retired in 1990, but I got to see him his final year. I used to hear my grandfather talk about him all the time. My family was really into the circus because my grandfather used to work for Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey when he was a kid.
Growing up in Spokane, the circus used to come to town on the train and my grandfather helped them unload, set up then load again. During the week they were in town he'd do odd jobs around the circus helping out. When the family would get together us kids loved hearing stories about working with the circus. For a long time I was set on going to Clown College and becoming a circus performer myself!
I loved hearing the stories about super star Gunther Gebel-Williams -- the greatest lion and tiger trainer in the world.