Inslee Banning Gas Powered Cars In Washington State
Everyone said it was maybe happening early this year but now Jay Inslee announced that Washington would follow California and ban gas powered cars. California just passed new laws that "represent a total ban on nonelectric vehicles" according to reports. Right after, Washington passed Bill 5811 that directs "the state Department of Ecology to adopt California’s emissions standards" and allowing for the new commitment announced by the Governor.
The Bill specifically also states "No model year 2010 or subsequent model year new passenger, car, light duty truck, or medium duty ((passenger)) vehicle may be sold in Washington unless there is securely and conspicuously affixed in a clearly visible location a label on which the manufacturer clearly discloses comparative greenhouse gas emissions for that new vehicle." The ban only reaches to new cars sold, not used cars sold in Washington State. It also does not completely ban driving gas powered cars on Washington's roads, at least for now.
If car manufacturers do not follow the guidelines set, then they are "not going to do business in Washington anymore" according to Matthew Metz, founder of a nonprofit that advocates for cleaner transportation infrastructure. Washington State has already committed to phasing out gas cars by 2030, but this is one step further then that.
I am not an expert, but I know electricity prices are through the roof and only getting worse. Areas all over the country have rolling blackouts during heat waves already from low electricity availability. How bad will it get if everyone HAS to buy only electric cars in the near future? Well, I guess we are all about to find out.
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