Selah HS Sanctioned For Racial Taunting Incident in September
The Central Washington Athletic Conference, or CWAC, has handed down six sanctions against Selah HS over a racial taunting incident. The sancrtions came down this week.
Selah won't be competing at Prosser in near future
According to sources, including Apple Valley Broadcasting and the CWAC, the incident in question occurred at a September 28th volleyball match, during which two students made sexual and racial remarks towards a Prosser player. The students in question made repeated remarks, and according to Selah School District Officials, they have been dealt with. Privacy and other laws prohibit specifics from being released concerning their discipline.
Aside from a public apology from Selah to Prosser, the CWAC also implemented the following sanctions, for indoor sports, for the time being:
- Prosser vs. Selah events will be held at neutral sites
- Selah must provide extra security presence at sporting eventgs
- No Selah students will be allowed to attend sporting events at Prosser HS.
- Earlier this week, Selah imposed a self-ban by not allowing students at the October 10th volleyball and soccer matches
- Selah must implement a new seating arrangement to keep students away from opposing teams benches (indoor events).
- Selah must report to the league what steps they are taking, and how they are working.
It is not known exactly how long these requirements will remain in place.
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