What ‘Bad Habit’ Are WA Residents Trying to Quit the Most?
What do we have in common with Colorado, Wisconsin, and Minnesota?
A national study shows WA residents want to give up what?
Gallus Detox is a multi-state health and detoxification and transformation business with centers in 5 cities in Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado. They recently released results of a national study showing, state by state, what people want to 'give up' the most, and what bad habits they really want to change.
The top habits we're trying to quit
Utilizing Google search data from all across the country, they were able to come up with the top ten habits Americans are trying to do away with.

Alcohol, tobacco, and pornography are the nationial top three, according to the data. Based on the search results, they were able to conclude what the top searches were for how to stop certain habits in each state.
For WA, along with the 3 other states mentioned, searches for how to give up alcohol or stop drinking were the most-searched topic. Gambling made the list, being the top search in Nevada, Illinois, and New Jersey.
Quitting cannabis, or pot, was the most-searched topic in Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York. How to give up sugar had by far the most searches in the most states (18) including OR and Idaho.
Which states had giving up pornography as their most-searched Google topic? CA, Georgia, Maryland, Texas, and Utah.
To read more about this 'bad-habit study, click here.
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