Live and Local at Ray’s Golden Lion – Odyssey, All Gussied Up, Tides of Dismay, Zero Velocity, Urtek
Come out and support the local music scene this Friday night, June 15th as Tri-City bands All Gussied Up, Tides of Dismay and Zero Velocity perform with Spokane bands Odyssey and Urtek at Ray's Golden Lion in Richland.
Ray's doors are almost always open to all ages and tickets are just $5 for 21+ and $8 for those of you under 21. So, kids...since you're done with school for the summer, get out and kick it off right with some ass kickin', face meltin', in your grill rock/metal/thrash/progressive/grind music. Doors open at 8pm, show starts at 9pm. See ya there, suckahs.
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