Look At the Brain on Brad – 5 Random Things Going on in My Head
Gettin' down on Friday here at the Townsquare Media Radio Ranch in Pasco. Had a sweet little BBQ with the co-workers, enjoying some TC sunshine! Its about time summer showed up, eh? Seems weird that that the weekend is already here, the little 4th of July break on Wednesday made Thursday feel more like Monday. Lookin' forward to some awesome company and a bunch of friends coming into town this weekend. Yessir! Anyway, here are some more of my random thoughts from today. Welcome to my head.
1) I really like Yogi Berra quotes. They're ridiculously perfect...but I despise the Evil Empire that is the Yankees. #GetM Mariners and Go REDS!
2) If there is a band going out on a tour (Periphery on the Summer Slaughter Tour), and said tour is sponsored by a specific big box electronic store (Best Buy), wouldn't you think said store would carry said band's brand new CD? Well they do not. Ridiculous. What do you say? Do you still buy CDs too or should I give up and just go fully digital?
3) Fact. I'm a total food mixer. Example: 1/2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch + 1/2 Golden Grahams = Insanely Delicious. You're welcome. What do you mix together for a tasty concoction?
4) I'm still bummed I missed Mayhem fest and the Volbeat/Hellyeah shows this week. Got any sweet pics you wanna show off to make me more jealous? Send 'em in to 97rockpics@gmail.com or post ;em up on 97 Rock's Facebook page.
5) I wouldn't mind living on either on a house boat or in a boat house. CoLuMbIa RiVeR dReAmIn'...
Got a response to any of this randomness? Throw it into the comment section below. Finally, rock out with what I am currently listening to: Periphery - MAKE TOTAL DESTROY
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