My Favorite NO BAKE Dressing Recipe Takes Just Minutes
My mother-in-law made Thanksgiving dressing this way for years, so naturally it's my wife's favorite and I just love it. It's a simple matter of chopping some celery and onions and heating some chicken broth. This makes a delicious mushy dressing that we eat as is, but if you want a firmer texture, you can bake it too. The soft bread doused in boiling chicken broth is a perfect combo with the crunch and flavor of the blanched celery and onions.
You will need:
1 loaf white bread
1 cu chopped celery
1 cu chopped onoin
dash or two of celery seed
2 cans chicken broth
S&P to taste
Bread does not need to be dried. Take it right out of the bag and cut into cubes, Place in large mixing bowl. Top with one cup onion and one cup celery. Sprinkle with celery seed. Pour boiling chicken broth slowly over onion and celery as this is the only cooking it will get. Stir into a beautiful mash of simple dressing awesomeness. Add more bread if too mushy or add more broth if not mushy enough. Can be eaten immediately, set aside, or baked of you prefer a crusty edge. Hope you love it!
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