Olive Garden Pasta Pass TODAY! Sell Out Expected in Seconds
If you blink today, you might miss it.
The incredibly popular Pasta Pass from Olive Garden goes on sale, online, today at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time and is expected to literally take five seconds to sell out.
Here's what you need to know pasta lovers:
Olive Garden is selling their "Never-Ending Pasta Passes" again where you get eight weeks of UNLIMITED food for $100. They go on sale at 11:00 THIS MORNING at pastapass.com.
If you missed it the past few years, Olive Garden sells a pass for $100 that gives you eight weeks of unlimited pasta, soup, salad and bread sticks. There will be 22,000 passes on sale this year, and it begins at EXACTLY 11:00 a.m.!
The link takes you to the site where you can see the countdown clock letting you know just how much time is left to go.
But you have to be ready to click FAST...because last year, their 21,000 passes sold out in ONE SECOND. There's also a new twist this year, where there will be 50 passes that cost $200...and each one of those includes a free eight-day trip to ITALY.
More, with an extra dash of snark, here.