DUI motorist hits three cars owned by same person (Pasco PD)
DUI motorist hits three cars owned by same person (Pasco PD)
7-29 2020 dui hits 3 cars 116162781_2963725480392541_4071957073474016796_o

 Part of a busy Wednesday morning grave shift with Pasco PD included a DUI where the owner of 3 vehicles saw all of them damaged by one intoxicated motorist.

Officers were called to the 6300 block of Fenway shortly before 1AM, and learned the driver of a white van had slammed into three parked vehicles, damaging them all, then the driver jumped out and fled.

Police got information from the owner of all 3 vehicles, and using the plates and information from the van, began to search the area. Not long afterwards, 32-year-old Abram Anthony Mireles of Pasco was located and arrested for DUI, Hit and Run, and Driving on a Suspended License. He's now in the Franklin County jail.

The guy who owns the three vehicles will be spending a lot of time with his insurance agent now.

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