RIP Bradley James Nowell
Much gusto, me llamo Bradley-ahhhhh...if you can finish that lyric, we can be friends.
Bradley Nowell had passed before I even became a fan of Sublime. Not that I didn't like them before, but I was only 11 in 1996 and really didn't have much of my own opinion on music. None the less, Sublime has been one of my favorite bands for a number of years. It's too bad that the mastermind behind such great songs like 'What I Got', 'Badfish', and a number of others wasn't around to enjoy the success of Sublime.
Today marks the 15th Anniversary of Bradley's Death.
Anniversary is kind of a weird word to use around death since it has a positive connotation in most peoples minds, but I'm not sure what other verbiage to use with it. I guess you could look at it this way...on the anniversary of a great musicians death, we should celebrate. Not the fact that they are dead, but celebrate by remembering all the songs and artistic value that they left behind.
Here's a tribute to Bradley that was posted at
...and in celebration of Bradley Nowell and Sublime, crank the speakers to 11 and chill out with some of my favorite Sublime tracks.
Date Rape
Caress Me Down
Rivers of Babylon
Original Sublime Bassist Eric Wilson and Drummer Bud Gaugh are keeping the legend of Sublime going. Now known as Sublime with Rome, due to legalities with Bradley Nowell's Estate, the band has a new album coming out this July and just recently released the first single called 'Panic'.