In case you didn't know April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and Trios Health has teamed up with Tri-City area high schools, and in my opinion came up with a very ingenious way to remind students NOT to text and drive

Last year Trios purchased 10,000 thumb bands that read 'TEXTING KILLS' that each student wears as a reminder NOT to text and's what they look like....

text and drive

What a brilliant idea!

Trios Health’s involvement in the anti-texting and driving campaign was inspired by preventable accidents seen in its Emergency Department and mounting national statistics. The National Safety Council has reported that 11 teens die every day as a result of texting while driving and that 21% of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents were distracted by their cell phones. “Students are more likely to listen to other students when it comes to prevention messages like this. They hear a lot of warnings from adults already. So we’re putting this in their hands to embrace the importance of this one,”




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