
Courtney Love Explains Illustration of Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight: ‘I’m a Little Obsessive’
Courtney Love Explains Illustration of Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight: ‘I’m a Little Obsessive’
Courtney Love Explains Illustration of Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight: ‘I’m a Little Obsessive’
A few days ago, Courtney Love posted a photo on her social media outlets believing she had possibly found missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, using a very crude diagram (see below) to prove her point. The Internet world immediately took this ball and ran with it, discussing Love's post in humorous fashion. Adding to her original post, Love has since elaborated on how she came up with her hypothe
GoPro Camera Survives Fall From Airplane, Lands in Pig Pen and is Nearly Eaten [VIDEO]
GoPro Camera Survives Fall From Airplane, Lands in Pig Pen and is Nearly Eaten [VIDEO]
GoPro Camera Survives Fall From Airplane, Lands in Pig Pen and is Nearly Eaten [VIDEO]
The title pretty much explains everything you need to know. If this doesn't speak to the incredible durability of a GoPro camera, I'm not sure what else could. Pretty insane that it doesn't break after falling from such a high altitude and continues to record as a greedy little piggy tries to get it in his belly.

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