The Avengers came together recently on Jimmy Fallon and did a wonderful tribute to Stan Lee. Robert Downey Jr. starts us off singing "We Didn't Start The Fire" from Billy Joel and the rest of the cast chime in.
Marvel’s box office-shattering crossover has made the TV timelines even more complicated, and perhaps severed their connection the MCU. Maybe that’s a good thing.
I'm a big comic book fan, and really love superhero movies. Since the turn of the millennium, it seems that every summer will have a superhero blockbuster. Or bomb. Remember Elektra? I'm not even sorry for making you remember that. I have compiled a list of the absolute best superhero movies released since 2000.
Just last month, Redlight King offered a remix version of their single ‘Comeback’ and tied it to a trailer for the blockbuster film ‘The Avengers.’
If you weren’t aware (and really how could you not be?), the surefire blockbuster ‘The Avengers’ hit the big screen this weekend. To help get you a little bit more excited about the film, a trailer cut to a special remix of the Redlight King song ‘Comeback’ recently debuted online.
The last time we heard anything new from Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland, he was walking around in a winter wonderland on his holiday disc ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.’ He now returns to his rock roots with a new song penned for the soundtrack for the upcoming summer blockbuster movie ‘The Avengers.’