Delicious Cereals Your Kids Will Love - and So Will WIC/SNAPDelicious Cereals Your Kids Will Love - and So Will WIC/SNAPAlong the long list of WIC approved cereals, here's a quick list of the ones we think kids will love best.John RiggsJohn Riggs
UGH! Lucky Charms is “Killing” Off a Famous Marshmallow!UGH! Lucky Charms is “Killing” Off a Famous Marshmallow!UGH! Lucky Charms is "Killing" Off a Famous Marshmallow!Rik MikalsRik Mikals
The Best Cereal Is Only During HalloweenThe Best Cereal Is Only During HalloweenThere is so much stuff around Halloween that makes me excited it is coming up.Kelly WestKelly West
I Wish My Balls Didn’t Smell Like My Favorite Holiday CerealI Wish My Balls Didn’t Smell Like My Favorite Holiday CerealA completely far too honest story.PetePete
What’s Your Favorite Cereal & Check Out the 97 Rock Staff’s FavoriteWhat’s Your Favorite Cereal & Check Out the 97 Rock Staff’s FavoriteWaking up this morning and sitting down to some Cap'n Crunch I got to thinking about how many different types of cereal brands there are out there. I also wasn't sure which kind of Cap'n Crunch I wanted so I mixed them.Gaylord FockerGaylord Focker