
Are You Legally Allowed to Skate on an Ice Pond in WA and OR?
Are You Legally Allowed to Skate on an Ice Pond in WA and OR?
Are You Legally Allowed to Skate on an Ice Pond in WA and OR?
With our current arctic temperatures and water freezing over, you think back to those olden days when people would just ice skate right on the frozen pond. I never liked that idea. Especially now-a-days I've seen far too many videos of people falling in so that's a not thanks from me, but let's say the pond is shallow enough that you know the ice has frozen all the way through, or definitely thick
Major Cigarette Law Could be Coming to WA, OR, CA
Major Cigarette Law Could be Coming to WA, OR, CA
Major Cigarette Law Could be Coming to WA, OR, CA
There was a time when you could smoke just about anywhere. Restaurants would ask you, "smoking or non?" Smoking was allowed on planes. Even places like McDonalds and Burger King would have ash trays for you to use. Smoking was socially acceptable indoors in most places...

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