It’s time for that age old question: Who are lazier, men or women? It was the battle of the sexes in the second half of today’s show as Free Beer asked everyone for their thoughts. Of the six people in the studio, five thought that men were lazier than women with only one person (a female intern) on the side of men.
“Men are
I read an article on a website the other day that totally surprized me. It was weird things that men are turned on by. I had a boyfriend once who loved it when I would wear nylons and another one who loved granny panties so really nothing should surprize me! But it did.
This is it. The terrible day we all love to hate is upon us. You have probably struggled to figure out what to get your special Valentine, but do you think she has been struggling to figure out what to get for you? Are you tired of getting gifts that are more for her than they are for you?