
We’ll Be Ridin’ for Rover on July 15
We’ll Be Ridin’ for Rover on July 15
We’ll Be Ridin’ for Rover on July 15
Grab your bikes and ride for a good cause! On Sunday, July 15th Full Throttle Motorcycle Accessories is sponsoring a motorcycle ride for homeless pets. All proceeds will benefit the Pet Over Population Prevention (POPP) Drivers will pay $20 and passengers will $15 AND a donation of a pet food item or something off of their wish list such as gift certificates for Wal-Mart, Petsmart, cleaning suppl
Kyle Loza is Determined To Pull Off First Ever Bike Flip in X Games Moto-X Best Trick Competition Tonight
Kyle Loza is Determined To Pull Off First Ever Bike Flip in X Games Moto-X Best Trick Competition Tonight
Kyle Loza is Determined To Pull Off First Ever Bike Flip in X Games Moto-X Best Trick Competition Tonight
Kyle Loza, the only Motocross Rider to win three consecutive Gold Medals in Moto-X Best Trick, looks to comeback with a vengeance at X Games LA 2012 which starts off tonight. After a couple of rough years battling injuries, he looks to reclaim his spot on the podium by pulling off the first ever bike flip where the bike does a full vertical rotation while the rider is holding onto just the bars,
Man Miraculously Walks Away After Horrific Motorcycle Crash [VIDEO]
Man Miraculously Walks Away After Horrific Motorcycle Crash [VIDEO]
Man Miraculously Walks Away After Horrific Motorcycle Crash [VIDEO]
Let this video of a motorcyclist crashing at top speed into a passing truck be a lesson to all drivers: Motorcycles are dangerous, riders should always wear a helmet and Ryan Gosling probably won’t be around to smooth things over when the two drivers meet. Despite the severity of the crash (which shatters the motorcycle in question), its rider miraculously gets up and walks it off.