10 of the Most Researched Things Online About Washington State10 of the Most Researched Things Online About Washington StateSee what's behind the search bar!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Foodies on the Prowl: WA State's Hottest Food Search TrendsFoodies on the Prowl: WA State's Hottest Food Search TrendsInquiring minds want to know what people in Washington are searching for online the most about FOOD.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
We Spent–Black Friday Shopping Sets New Records NationwideWe Spent–Black Friday Shopping Sets New Records NationwideAnother record was set John McKayJohn McKay
59 Percent of Us Billed for Unwanted Subscription Plans or Services59 Percent of Us Billed for Unwanted Subscription Plans or ServicesA new study commissioned by the WA State Attorney General's office says 6 in 10 state residents have been billed by surprise charges. John McKayJohn McKay
Free Home COVID Tests NOW Available Online, Results in 10 Minutes. Get One Here..Free Home COVID Tests NOW Available Online, Results in 10 Minutes. Get One Here..The free tests are available online with rapid results.Patti BannerPatti Banner
Richland’s Ariel Gourmet and Gifts Goes Online, Closes StorefrontRichland’s Ariel Gourmet and Gifts Goes Online, Closes StorefrontAriel's has been in the Parkway since 1977 but now will be an online store. They still offer all the great gifts and unique one of a kind of items that the store is known for.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
Tri-City Internet Outage May Be Affecting Online StudentsTri-City Internet Outage May Be Affecting Online StudentsIt appears at least some customers, including Richland, were experiencing outages Wednesday morning.John McKayJohn McKay
Dust Devils Swing Open Gates Today–Digitally–Check it Out!Dust Devils Swing Open Gates Today–Digitally–Check it Out!There are a plethora of contests, videos, activities and more on the team's social media pages, especially Facebook. John McKayJohn McKay
Walla Walla Schools Go to Online Classes to Avoid DelaysWalla Walla Schools Go to Online Classes to Avoid DelaysDistrict officials say the highest priority is making sure seniors are able to finish enough classes to graduate.John McKayJohn McKay