There is always a lottery going on and as of January 9th the Power-ball jackpot has soared to the record high for any lottery. 1.3 Billion dollars. I don't think I have ever even thought that high as far as that kind of money is concerned. I have a list of things that I would do before and after the lottery numbers our announced.
I mentioned the other day that both lotto's were up past $100 million bucks! That number is increasing with each ticket of the Power Ball and Mega Millions. I have a few places that I have won over $100 bucks at. Because of this, they are my places I buy my tickets.
I had a ton of money once. I saved it and never looked at it. I made a bad business decision and lost most of it. However, I got there by saving some serious cash. The big dogs now a days save like they are never going to have money again. The exact reason why they are rich.