If you've lived for time at all in the Northwest, you know about Sasquatch. Lots of blurry pictures of something that's big and furry running through the forest.
Bigfoot's history in Washington State is so immense that 18th District State Senator Ann Rivers R-La Center, at the behest of a 9-year-old constituent, sponsored SB 5816 in the 2017-18 sessions
Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti. Washington State has by far the most 'sightings' of any state in the union. Why? Have you seen him? Do you believe it was Bigfoot at Rimrock Lake?
Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. There are literally dozens of different names applied to the legendary, enormous-footed, hairy, apelike-man that has been said to roam North American lands for centuries. Washington leads the nation with sightings and encounters, most recently in June.
Sasquatch is a legend to some and a fairy tale to others, those who chose to believe in Bigfoot may go to the extremes to find them. Bigfoots are rare and few but here in the Pacific North West, many have claimed to see one but only a few have capture proof...