Have a Student Loan? Scammers Are Busy Trying To Trick YouHave a Student Loan? Scammers Are Busy Trying To Trick YouBEWARE; If you have a student loan and you're waiting for a notice to tell you your debt has been lessened or erased watch for scammers. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Scammers Hunting for Victims in Yakima Scammers Hunting for Victims in Yakima It's a scam that's been around for years and it comes back because the scammers always find victims. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Kennewick Police Warn That Rental Scams Are on the RiseKennewick Police Warn That Rental Scams Are on the RiseKennewick Police says they are seeing a few scams associated with rental properties.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
Kennewick Police Nab Scammer Taking Advantage of ElderlyKennewick Police Nab Scammer Taking Advantage of ElderlyOfficers arrested a scammer that was attempting to use the Social Security Administration as the ruse.Rik MikalsRik Mikals
West Richland Police Warn of Email ScamWest Richland Police Warn of Email ScamWest Richland Police Warn of Email ScamPatti BannerPatti Banner
Scammers Set up Fake Websites to Nab Employment ClaimsScammers Set up Fake Websites to Nab Employment ClaimsScammers have built websites for unemployment claimers to log on and give up their personal information like social security numbers outside of a safe and secure internet website.Rik MikalsRik Mikals