Traffic Signal Work on Richland’s George Washington Way To Cause Delays Wednesday
There is going to be a road closure this Wednesday at George Washington Way in Richland so heads-up if you're going to be headed that way this week.
The City of Richland is reminding people that Bradley Boulevard and Falley Street will be closed at George Washington Way near Roaster’s Coffee on Wednesday, July 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for maintenance of the traffic signal controller.
Here are details of the repair from the City of Richland's press release:
The traffic signal will be completely off during a significant portion of this work.
Traffic using George Washington Way will be required to stop at the intersection as is required by state law at a non-functioning traffic signal.
Reader boards will be in place, directing Bradley traffic to Comstock Street during this time. Detour signing will also be in place on Falley Street directing traffic to other routes.
The City of Richland is asking motorists to follow detours and use caution during this time. The four-hour project should not interfere with the morning or afternoon travel commute on George Washington Way.
If you have any questions, please call the Public Works Department, (509) 942-7500.
The good news according to the press release is that the traffic light repair shouldn't interfere with the morning and afternoon traffic.