Tri-Cities Restaurant to Open Indoor Dining Tuesday
One local restaurant in Tri-Cities is vowing to open their doors, challenging the Governor's latest round of restrictions which are to be followed through January 4th.
According to Kimo's Sports Bar and Brewpub Facebook page, the restaurant will "reopen for FULL INSIDE SERVICE starting Tuesday 12-15-20."
According to Washington's Covid-19 Guidance:
Restaurants and Bars are closed for indoor dine-in service. Outdoor dining and to-go
service are permitted, provided that all outdoor dining must comply with the
requirements of the Outdoor Dining Guidance. Table size for outdoor dining is limited to
a maximum of five (5) people.
Because Washington has seen a significant increase of Covid-19 cases, Governor Inslee originally announced the restrictions on November 17th that were to expire today, December 14th. The Governor extended the restrictions last week through January 4th.
If you have any questions regarding the state's Covid-19 Guidance and Resources, visit the Benton-Franklin Health District here.