It's that time of year when the dreams of potential Columbia Basin military careers begin to come to fruition.

Dan Newhouse R-Wa
Dan Newhouse R-Wa

Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-Wa) has announced the Zoom times and dates for details on getting to know your possibilities serving your country in the various military academies.

This is the annual opportunity to nominate students from Central Washington to our nation’s prestigious military academies. The honor of attending a service academy comes with the obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.

Each year, Congressman Newhouse and his staff enjoy working to get to know the youth in our communities who are ready and willing to dedicate themselves in service to our country.

Dan Newhouse R-Wa
Dan Newhouse R-Wa

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Military Service Academy Night will be hosted virtually via Zoom from 3:00 - 4:00PM PST.  A link to access the events will be sent to the e-mail provided upon RSVP.

U.S. Air Force Academy - September 28
U.S. Naval Academy - September 29
U.S. Military Academy (West Point) - September 30
U.S. Merchant Marines Academy - October 1

Dan Newhouse R-Wa
Dan Newhouse R-Wa

Go here if you would like to RSVP.

This link will provide more information about frequently asked questions regarding military academy nominations.

These are the basic eligibility requirements:

  • Age: Be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday
  • Citizenship: Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Marital Status: Must be unmarried, not pregnant, and without legal obligation to support children or other dependents
  • Residence: Must reside within the boundaries of the 4th Congressional District of Washington.
  • Skill / Fitness: Must meet the medical, physical, and academic requirements of the Academy
Dan Newhouse R-Wa
Dan Newhouse R-Wa

A complete nomination file consists of the following items:

  • Current photo
  • High school transcript
  • American College Testing Program (ACT) results and/or College Board Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) results
  • Resume of extracurricular activities
  • An essay stating why you want to attend a service academy (500 words or less)
  • Minimum of three letters of recommendation
Dan Newhouse R-Wa
Dan Newhouse R-Wa

Good luck, and Godspeed.

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