WSDOT Wants YOU to Officially Name Their Latest Snow Tow Plow
It's time to name another snow tow plow in Washington as winter is coming to an end. There never seems to be a short supply of creativity on Twitter as suggestions have been pouring in after the WSDOT tweeted this on Monday:
Plowie McPlow Plow was first, then The Big Leplowski, and now, who's got next?
No less than 60 responses were posted within the first 30 minutes after the tweet went out on Monday with names like Plowser and Snowbuster, plus random proper names like Jim, Kevin and Steve. If you think you can do better, submit your entry to the the eastern Washington twitter account of the WSDOT by noon this Friday, March 19th.
The tow plow is designed to be towed and extended out at an angle behind a plow truck to clear a secondary lane simultaneously. Tow plows are also equipped with a granular spreader and liquid tanks to disperse deicing materials.
A few of the favorite entries so far: Pepe LePlow; Kraken de Ice; Ka-plow; Plowderhound; For Your Ice Only; Saltsquatch; Snowbody's Business; Snownan the Barbarian; Wet A** Plowsy; Plowabunga Dude; Abolish ICE; Edward SnowDone; Ice Ta Meet Ya; Sir Plows-A-Lot.
For comparison purposes, the state of Minnesota's Department of Transportation recently held a contest to name all of their snowplows representing the eight districts in which the state is carved up. Some of their winners were: Plow Bunyan; F. Salt Fitzgerald; Snowbi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Blader.
Go here to give it a shot, and make sure you scrape your way to an entry by Friday at noon.