Jeopardy! has been one of television's longest running game shows and has a fan-created, searchable database of every episode online. Though the show has been on since 1964, the database starts in 1984 -- the year that the late and beloved host Alex Trebek (RIP) took the helm.When searching for "Yakima", it's revealed that that word has been part of 11 questions (answers!) in reference to the city/county, the river or legendary Hollywood stuntman Enos Edward "Yakima" Canutt (who was actually born in Colfax, WA). On tonight's (September 1) episode, Yakima's hops were featured as one of the answers bringing the total to 12.

TSM/Todd Lyons
TSM/Todd Lyons

Below is every instance in the database that Yakima was uttered. By clicking on the hyperlink to the episode, you can see a virtual game board which reveals the answer (question!).

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Two people from the Yakima Valley have appeared as contestants on the show which we will reveal below.

Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#7717 (3/13/18) - BEN-HUR/$200: "Stunt director Yakima Canutt told Charlton Heston, 'You just stay in this; I guarantee you'll win the damn race".
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#6564 (3/14/13) NORTH AMERICAN RIVERS/$2,600 (Daily Double): "Its major tributaries include the Spokane, Yakima, & Kootenai Rivers."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#6532 (1/29/13) HONORARY ACADEMY AWARDS/$4,000 (Daily Double): "1966: To Yakima Canutt "for achievements as" one of these & "for developing safety devices to protect" them."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#6450 (10/5/12) A RIVER RUNS TO IT/$400: "The Yakima: to this larger Pacific Northwest river."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#6181 (6/27/11) PICKUP ARTISTS/$600: "Drive its Tacoma all the way to Yakima, if you want."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#5862 (2/23/10) "YA"HOO!/$1200: "This city of 60,000 southeast of Seattle bears the name of a Native American tribe."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#4737 (3/22/05) THAT'S SO "CONTINENTAL"/$600: "Abbreviated CBA, it includes teams called the Yakima Sun Kings & the Gary Steelheads."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#3763 (1/3/01) NORTHWESTERN INDIANS/$1,800 (Daily Double): "'Y' tribes include the Yurok, Yokuts & this one that gave their name to a Washington city of 55,000."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#2982 (7/15/97) ANNUAL EVENTS/$400: "Headquarters of the Yakima Indian nation, Toppenish in this state celebrates Yakima Treaty Day in June."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#2863 (1/29/97) FOOD & DRINK/$100: "The 3 primary wine-growing regions of this state are Columbia Valley, Yakima Valley & Walla Walla."
Episode (Date) - Category/$$$ - Answer
#837 (4/5/88) WASHINGTON STATE/$300: "When the railroad bypassed Yakima, the people of the town decided to move this."

Katie McArthur Courtesy:
Cheryl Bush      Courtesy:

Two contestants are listed as being from the Yakima Valley. Cheryl Bush, an accountant from Selah, appeared on the show on July 6, 2005 (#4813) and Katie McArthur, a hazardous waste compliance inspector from Yakima was on the show January 31, 2007 (#5158).

Of course if you are fan of hops and/or the beer that they help to produce, you will most certainly not want to miss the annual Fresh Hop Ale Fest that brings people from all around the world to the valley!

Scenes of Fresh Hop Ale Fest

17th Annual Fresh Hop Ale Festival

LOOK: Best Beers From Every State

To find the best beer in each state and Washington D.C., Stacker analyzed January 2020 data from BeerAdvocate, a website that gathers user scores for beer in real-time. BeerAdvocate makes its determinations by compiling consumer ratings for all 50 states and Washington D.C. and applying a weighted rank to each. The weighted rank pulls the beer toward the list's average based on the number of ratings it has and aims to allow lesser-known beers to increase in rank. Only beers with at least 10 rankings to be considered; we took it a step further to only include beers with at least 100 user rankings in our gallery. Keep reading to find out what the best beer is in each of the 50 states and Washington D.C.

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