Coming out of the Town Square Media campus on "A" Street in Pasco just before 11:00 a.m. today, I glanced at the Blue Bridge flag to gauge any wind stiffy factor on a 108-degree day, noticed just a slight breeze, but what caught the eye was what WASN'T moving. In either direction.

Trooper Thorson
Trooper Thorson

Holy smokes, BOTH northbound and southbound lanes were at a standstill on the Blue Bridge, with a heavy duty firetruck and state troopers on location, and I remember thinking a couple of things: a) I hope that wasn't fatal, and b) Cable Bridge to get to Kennewick here I come!

When I found out the specifics of the wreck, six cars total, sending two people to the hospital with, thank God, minor injuries, a thought occurred that it seriously could have been a lot worse.

All too many times, as I use the Lewis Street on ramp out of Pasco to join traffic flow on southbound 395 over the Blue Bridge multiple instances a day, I constantly witness people who JUST DON'T YIELD!

Trooper Thorson
Trooper Thorson

Maybe it's because the Yield sign is so far back, just past the overpass, or people just forget, or maybe they are expecting someone to be nice and let them in. NO! Yield means if its heavy traffic in two lanes, you slow, even come to a STOP if you must, before its clear to merge. If there is a citation to be given, it would have to be to the white truck.

Apparently this white truck decided a red Cadillac would let him merge, even though the Caddy had no where to go, as there was someone occupying the other lane, so the white truck, with no lane, got pinched, popping over the concrete barriers and spilling into the northbound lanes where it collided with a semi and another car. It's a bloody miracle no one was seriously hurt.

Here is the tweet from earlier today courtesy of Trooper C. Thorson


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