Bummer! Local Pools and Splash Pads to Remain Closed
Some restrictions are being lifted in our modified Phase One and one thing on the list is the opening of pools.
I got excited but after a little education and research, I discovered those pool openings might not be what you think they'll be so we break it down for you.
Word is that city pools and splash pads around the Columbia Basin won't be opening up anytime soon.
The City Of Kennewick says that pools and splash pads will stay closed but the City of Kennewick says they are working on doing drive-in movies according to a report from KEPR-TV
Evelyn Lusignan from the City of Kennewick in the article explained:
"We are excited about the drive-in movies, the updates for pools didn't really do anything for the public pools but allowing the drive-in movies put us back on track for that,"
According to the Benton Franklin Health District, staffed swimming pools can open for lap swimming and small group swimming lessons in accordance with modified Phase 1 guidance.
There is some hope if you are taking lessons and such but an expectation of wide-open pools and splash pads won't be a reality...at least for a while.
You can get more details about the modified phase one stipulations and pool updates here.

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