With the Tire Factory Black Widow Mud and Sun Run in August in mind, I've been focusing on jogging and regaining my shape.

This brings up the question that a lot of people aren't asking (they should!): What kind of shoe do I need?

First off, know your shoe size. Shoes that are too big could roll your ankle, shoes too small will blister your feet. Always try on the shoe before you buy it. Men's shoes run wide, and women's shoes run narrow. If you're a man with narrow feet, consider a women's shoe. If it fits, wear it.

A pair of running shoes should last up to 500 miles, which would be about four months for people who run regularly.

A good idea is to understand pronation, which is the rolling of the foot from the heel to the toe when the foot strikes the ground. A good guide can be found here. Different shoes can help people with overpronation or underpronation.

Another good thing to look into is your foot type. According to the Running Advisor, you have a normal arch "if there's a distinct curve along the inside of your foot with a band a little less than half the width of your foot connecting the heel and toe." You're flat-footed if there's "not much of a curve along the inside of your foot and your imprint shows almost the entire foot." If there's a "very sharp curve along the inside of your foot and your imprint shows a very thin band between your heel and toe", you have a low arch. Different arch types have different shoe needs.

Happy shoe shopping. We will see you August 2 for the Tire Factory Black Widow Mud and Sun Run.




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