Megan and I lived in Prosser for a few years, right along the Benton County/Yakima County border. We didn't feel the need to lock our stuff up but now more and more robberies are happening outside of town and not just in town.

Our friends at the Franklin County Sheriff's Department is reminding folks to lock their stuff up.

They are seeing daily thefts out in the county and are encouraging homeowners not to become a victim of a robbery.

They've posted a few tips to help make sure your place is robbery proof. These three tips will at least make a criminal think twice of breaking into your place.

Here is what they are suggesting:

Tip #1:


* Lock your doors and windows, when your not around the house
and shops.

Tip #2

* Turn on alarms and recording devices when your not around the

Tip #3

* Don't leave valuables lying around which aren't routinely used. * Jewelry/Money/Guns/Bazooka's and flame throwers need to be
stashed away under lock and key

They also suggest removing all keys from your motor vehicles, heck, I'd even take the key out of the riding lawnmower.

You can check out more tips and details on the thefts and tips here.

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