Beginning tonight and again tomorrow, a 2,000-foot wide space rock will safely zip past Earth and you can see it with nothing more than a small telescope.

The asteroid, known as 2014 J-O-25?, will fly by our planet at a distance of 1.1 million miles --or less than five times the distance from Earth to the moon. NASA says there's no chance of impact on Earth, but the flyby is considered "remarkably close" by astronomical standards.

European Space Agency Captures Images Of Asteroid Lutetia
Getty Images European Space Agency

So, is there some space chunk out there with our name on it?

If an asteroid the size of what whizzes past us tonight were to strike Earth, it might blast an impact crater about 6 miles wide. The asteroid hasn't come this close for a least the last 400 years and won't come this close again for at least the next 500 years.

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