More on Baffling Blind Man Crash into Safeway in Kennewick
A few more images of the bizarre 'crash' into the Kennewick Safeway from Tuesday have been released by Kennewick Police, and a few more details.
Around 8AM, Officers responded to the Safeway store on Kennewick Ave. and found this GMC Suburban up against one of the pillars at the front of the store.

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Apparently, the driver, 62-year-old Christian Searcy, had driven into the front of the store. His vehicle was blocking the west entrance. The damage was minimal, some concrete chips to the pillar, and a number of plants displayed for sale outside thrown around by the impact.
Safeway blind driver crash (KPD)
He was the only occupant of the vehicle, and was still inside when Police arrived. According to KPD:
"Searcy who Identified himself as being blind, had stayed the night in the parking lot, in the vehicle. This morning he was not feeling comfortable at the location and decided to find a new location. As he tried to drive the vehicle, he crashed into the door due to him not being able to see where he was going.
Searcy was cited for Driving While License Suspended and identified as the at fault driver for the accident."
What he was doing in the parking lot is still not known (why he was there) and the exact level of his blindness. Having a suspended license would lead one to believe perhaps his vision is still useable, but not enough to drive. That would be supported by the fact he drove into the front of the store.
Safeway crash (KPD)
Police also didn't say if he's from around here either. We also don't know whose vehicle he was driving, if it was his.
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