Road Trip: 2014 World Beard and Moustache Championships in Portland This September
The world's best facial hair will be on display in Portland this September. Should I enter the contest?
What better place to hold a beard and mustache competition - The land of the laid back where hipsters and 19th century loving people roam freely. There is a reason why 'Keep Portland weird' is the city's unofficial slogan.
By September I should have a decent sized starter beard back on my face and my mustache will be more pringley than ever. Of course I don't have a shot in Hades of being competitive with the other beardsmen, but I still want to go check out the festivities. If nothing else, maybe I can meet some of the best beard growers in the world and pick up some tips on how to grow a better face sweater.
Exact dates and location are TBA for the 2014 World Beard and Moustache Championships. See ya in September, PDX.